Wednesday 23 July 2008

Bobbin the Brit is back being british!

Hello! I am back in North Carolina for a bit to work, so expect updates on my wacky adventures and me eating piles of food soon.
I could do this now, but I am still pretty jet-lagged. I am at that stage where, despite sleeping for the night, you feel guilty as if you were back in your home country you would have stayed in stupidly late in bed. It's only the morning, but I feel confused, as all of my favourite radio shows in the UK are on right now (never thought I would miss Steve Wright or Chris Evans if I am that honest, but I forget how much I enjoy their background noise). Plus, everything feels really quite exotic, because of the heat and the buildings and stuff.
Expect more updates, but only when I have eaten something!

Wednesday 9 July 2008

Summing up why I didn't update this site, done quick enough for those with a short attention span.

Okay, so...

Disseration and a pile of projects over Easter swiftly followed by research and then revision for only two exams that were still terrifying as they were the final ones that I plan to sit in academia.

*takes deep, calming breaths*

Two exams went as good as could be expected resulting in my 2:1 and now have graduation, leaving university and my immient summer holiday to be looking forward to.
I hope to get a good job afterwards.

Got that? Good.

I will actually attempt to keep this a bit more updated in future. This has been promised with several ideas for revamps, but I will just occassionally chat here, I guess.

I would be an idiot not to link to this.

Like all of the world, I was amazed and upset at the scale of the Chinese Earthquake that occured a couple of months ago. Despite this, it is easy to forget how many people were affected.
I couldn't recommend these comics any higher.