Thursday 29 March 2007

Smoothies, Mexicans and pancakes

So, I am finally over the jetlag now, which is a relief. It felt yesterday like my mind had finally caught up with my body, which is a relief as far as I am concerned.
So, I thought I would sum up what exactly I have been up to over the past few days-it has been pretty busy here.

* The heat here is amazing. Considering I left with my winter coat and my scarf, it is almost June weather in Charlotte. It is the late 70s/Early 80s (F I mean, if it was C I can imagine everything would be catching on fire) here and so I have been wondering about in t-shirts and skirts. Wearing jeans makes my skin feel like it is being rubbed in cardboard. Thankfully, everything here has absolutely freezing air conditioner.

* I went to UNCC on Tuesday. It was boiling, but I was impressed by the size of the campus and the buildings. In many ways, the buildings remind me of Lancaster, but saying that the buildings in Charlotte are designed for the hot weather. In UNCC, the buildings look good when they are flat roofed, unlike Lancaster (I would love to meet the genius who created the flat roofs on our campus). There was also a lot more to eat, like sushi and... Burger King! Jesse got me a 49er American Football supporters t-shirt. :)

* Okay, so this is going to make me sound like I am a hick, but apart from a few shopping centres, I have never really been to anyhting as massive as an American mall. The fact that we walked about it for a hour and only saw about half of it tells you of the scale of the place we visited. We got pestered by sales clerks, and Jesse got into a sulk when I went nuts about a Hello Kitty shop. However, I found an American sweet which they sold 'back in the day': Jolly Ranchers. I now have a few, and I have to say that I am pleased that they have not gotten rid of the plasticy taste. I also found mini-oreos too.

* Another new experience for me on Tuesday was a Mexican Restaurant. My lack of ability with spicy food is legendary, but it was all lovely and very cheap.

* On Wednesday, I went into Uptown Charlotte with Jesse. In many ways it is like Melbourne as iut all modern, but there is little kooky areas of history, like the settler's graveyard. I liked the walkways that hang above the city streets, which sort of lead to their own mall complex. I alkso drank the biggest smoothie in the known world and was able to stand up afterwards!

* However, my biggest highlight of yesterday was visiting a Basketball game. It was the Charlotte Bobcats (notable for their extortionate basketball tops in the giftshop) verses the Atlanta Hawks. Bobcats wqon, and this was the first time they had won more 26 games in a season.
Charlotte supposely are quite low in the league, but it was a good game. I loved the atmosphere and the food there-it was weird as I don't think you could recreate that atmosphere in the UK. It was just good-natured, and there was no violence. I am not saying that British sports are violent or we are somehow more angrier, but the way I see it is that I would find it difficult to imagine anything like a British football riot happening at that game. It was very American (there was the National Anthem), but there was lots of entertainment put on during the time outs-such as races and throwing t-shirts into the crowd. I also ate burgers while listening to Kenny Loggins 'Dangerzone' in a Basketball Stadium. I do not know how that could be more American!
Right, I better go as I need some lunch. Tomorrow I head out to New York, which I cannot wait for! I'm so excited, as you always see it on tv but going to it I know will be something else.

PS: Pancakes are lovely!

Hope everyone is well,


Tuesday 27 March 2007

Getting there

For context, I am writing this in Jesse's room on his computer while he moves about and puts stuff away. It is 10.42 in the morning, but the more I look at the clock, the more I expect it to read that it is 6pm in the afternoon. I've only really been up for 3 hours now, but after eating and drinking a bucket of coffee, I'm starting to feel tired again. I'm hoping to go out this afternoon and see Jesse's old Uni, and I'm, praying that I don't nearly fall asleep in the car again like yesterday.
Jetlag sucks, basically.
Thankfully, after literally collasping at 11pm here, I slept straight through the night until 7am. Oddly enough, I prefer Jetlag to normal sleep deprivation, as Jetlag is excusable. I just wish I felt a little more sociable.

So, yesterday then. Yesterday was weird, as I'm still not entirely sure for how long I stayed awake for. All I know is that I saw over a day of daylight. Mum and Dad saw me off at the airport, and I have to admit that I was a little scared before I left as it felt rather like going to Australia again; the sensation of knowing that you are heading somewhere but are not entirely sure what to expect. Departures was boring, but thankfully once I got to my gate they were giving out free newspapers, which ate up a fair amount of time. The mood of the passengers I was with can be accurately summed up by the teenage lad who actively refused to sit next to me (I quote: "God Mum, I don't wanna sit with her!" when I could have said the exact same thing about him and his hair style, which looked like he had come out worse with a fight with a razor). The air hostesses were a bit surly too, but then I heard that the airline I travelled with is having a lot of problems with rates of low pay and subsequent low morale. If I was them, I would probably be the same too.
The plane then took off at least half an hour late, but once we got in the sky it was pretty much plain-sailing. I'm guessing we flew nearly over our house, as I saw the Isle of Wight and all of my family's regular haunts from the air. As much I do not like takeoff, I do love seeing the country from above. Even Southampton can look pretty from the air.
I ended up watching a lot of the tv that was available, and saw part of a movie that was released about a month ago called 'The Illusionist". In all fairness I was knackered, but the movie was crap. From what I could tell, it's about a policeman and the crown heir to the Austrian Hungarian Empire (this was pre WWI) and a magician who like the same woman. It was badly acted and I couldn't tell why one character died, but then the plane landed sop I didn't mind so much. The CGI was good though.
I hated Immigration. I was told that the town which I classed as my base (you have to write down where you are staying for the immigration people) was in the wrong state-South Carolina I was told,m not the North like I said. Mainly because I looked like I may cry, I guess, I explained that the address I wrote was what I sent his mail to, and the fact I could rememeber the phone number may have swung in my favour. The thing is though, I am actually right and Immigration has it wrong-the family showed me their library cards and such which declare their address on it and the state I gave was correct. I just hope that this doesn't cause problems in the future getting in, but I'm sure it won't. I also had to declare my gifts to customs, which sucked. Meeting Jesse, however, was well worth it.

I ate at a place called the Cracker Barrel yesterday. They do great fries (the waitress laughed at me when I called them chips)
and they had a deer's head on the wall!
So, now I'm here. The House is lovely and Jesse's parents are great. I watched their version of 'Strictly Come Dancing' last night, which is suprisingly classy compared to the British one (though this may be because I don't know who anyone is). The dresses were far nicer, and everyone admitted that they only watched it to see if McCartney's ex-wife's leg fell off. Today, I'm seeing his opld Uni, and maybe meeting a few of his friends.

Toodle pip!

Saturday 24 March 2007


I imagine you are either here because you saw a link I placed somewhere or you typed in random syllables to see what would happen. If you are here for the later reason, I can see why you're here. I like the alliteration of my name, meself.
So, I am Bobbin. In a couple of days time I am going to see my Boyfriend, and so I have set up a blog. This is so I can record my experiences in a manner that I can remember them easier. After I come back home, I do not know if I will keep this blog, and I imagine I will, but it may just be used in the same manner I have made my other blogs; ie: When I can't sleep at 3am in the morning.
Expect me to start updating this once I have started my holiday for real.