Tuesday 27 March 2007

Getting there

For context, I am writing this in Jesse's room on his computer while he moves about and puts stuff away. It is 10.42 in the morning, but the more I look at the clock, the more I expect it to read that it is 6pm in the afternoon. I've only really been up for 3 hours now, but after eating and drinking a bucket of coffee, I'm starting to feel tired again. I'm hoping to go out this afternoon and see Jesse's old Uni, and I'm, praying that I don't nearly fall asleep in the car again like yesterday.
Jetlag sucks, basically.
Thankfully, after literally collasping at 11pm here, I slept straight through the night until 7am. Oddly enough, I prefer Jetlag to normal sleep deprivation, as Jetlag is excusable. I just wish I felt a little more sociable.

So, yesterday then. Yesterday was weird, as I'm still not entirely sure for how long I stayed awake for. All I know is that I saw over a day of daylight. Mum and Dad saw me off at the airport, and I have to admit that I was a little scared before I left as it felt rather like going to Australia again; the sensation of knowing that you are heading somewhere but are not entirely sure what to expect. Departures was boring, but thankfully once I got to my gate they were giving out free newspapers, which ate up a fair amount of time. The mood of the passengers I was with can be accurately summed up by the teenage lad who actively refused to sit next to me (I quote: "God Mum, I don't wanna sit with her!" when I could have said the exact same thing about him and his hair style, which looked like he had come out worse with a fight with a razor). The air hostesses were a bit surly too, but then I heard that the airline I travelled with is having a lot of problems with rates of low pay and subsequent low morale. If I was them, I would probably be the same too.
The plane then took off at least half an hour late, but once we got in the sky it was pretty much plain-sailing. I'm guessing we flew nearly over our house, as I saw the Isle of Wight and all of my family's regular haunts from the air. As much I do not like takeoff, I do love seeing the country from above. Even Southampton can look pretty from the air.
I ended up watching a lot of the tv that was available, and saw part of a movie that was released about a month ago called 'The Illusionist". In all fairness I was knackered, but the movie was crap. From what I could tell, it's about a policeman and the crown heir to the Austrian Hungarian Empire (this was pre WWI) and a magician who like the same woman. It was badly acted and I couldn't tell why one character died, but then the plane landed sop I didn't mind so much. The CGI was good though.
I hated Immigration. I was told that the town which I classed as my base (you have to write down where you are staying for the immigration people) was in the wrong state-South Carolina I was told,m not the North like I said. Mainly because I looked like I may cry, I guess, I explained that the address I wrote was what I sent his mail to, and the fact I could rememeber the phone number may have swung in my favour. The thing is though, I am actually right and Immigration has it wrong-the family showed me their library cards and such which declare their address on it and the state I gave was correct. I just hope that this doesn't cause problems in the future getting in, but I'm sure it won't. I also had to declare my gifts to customs, which sucked. Meeting Jesse, however, was well worth it.

I ate at a place called the Cracker Barrel yesterday. They do great fries (the waitress laughed at me when I called them chips)
and they had a deer's head on the wall!
So, now I'm here. The House is lovely and Jesse's parents are great. I watched their version of 'Strictly Come Dancing' last night, which is suprisingly classy compared to the British one (though this may be because I don't know who anyone is). The dresses were far nicer, and everyone admitted that they only watched it to see if McCartney's ex-wife's leg fell off. Today, I'm seeing his opld Uni, and maybe meeting a few of his friends.

Toodle pip!

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