Friday 15 June 2007

Angelina Jolie and all that Jazz

Since the last time I updated this lovely blog, I have done the following:

*Knitted a Duck. Only recently I learnt how to knit from my friend Beck.
Relaxing hobby my arse-at first I could barely hold the needles and spent most of my time trying to act reserved when I previously screaming at balls of yarn. There was some knack to it that I couldn't understand-I would watch Beck knit and couldn't figure out how she could do it so fast or stay relaxed as she did so while I ended up with a bit of wool not unlike a slug with holes in.
I stuck at it as I like talking to Beck-previously I didn't see her very often-and it was something that I really wanted to do. Learning to knit is one of those skills that I knew could come in useful one day, plus I have always had a secret admiration for people who can make stuff with their hands. In truth, I wanted to be one of those people. There is also the fact that I am a constant fidgeter-I always need to be at least planning to do something-and the idea of just doing continual motions and creating something out of nothing sort of rocks in its own way.
One day, I believe after I had studied Abraham Lincoln or at least something to do with America, the knitting clicked and I found myself making stuff that I felt proud of. Okay, so the phone covers I have made so far do not look exactly like any convential phone covers (and I am developing hard skin by my nails because of the continual poking of the steel needles) but finally finishing the stuff I have been making this term was my biggest accomplishments. I am stupidly proud of my duck in much the same manner that people would design really ornate cover sheets for science projects during my GCSEs.
Apart from the said exams I nearly burnt myself out getting through.
Thus I might turn this blog into a sort of knitting blog, so I can at least put pictures up of what I have made so far.

*Become Green. Maybe its the constant advertising by evil conglominates (I don't care about the spelling right now as I'm knackered) or the fact that I have been more smoothies to stave of the ever present threat of Student related scurvy, but I have suddenly become interested in Environmentalism. This is not to say that I have led a life up to this moment in pure bliss and ignorance about the effect of rubbish, but it is a reaction to what I see as the implausibility of some of the stuff we are expected to do. I'm going to see if I can make some changes to my habits and maybe write about them on here, but only if they become interesting. I'm not going to write about a neurose for recycling if it doesn't involve a wacky adventure of somekind.

*Laughed at Celebrities. Hence the mention of Angelina Jolie.

*Seriously considered wearing a skirt in this humid heat.

*Watched Pirates of the Carribbean 3. I enjoyed it more than I thought I would, but then I had been to the pub. I got annoyed by the singing kid at the beginning wearing braces and it was near incomprehensible, but I would pay Johnny Depp to run like Jack Sparrow in all of his movies.

*Finished exams. It feels strange to have a to-do list that begins with 'get out of bed before noon' instead of a list of work to be getting on with. I'm enjoying it while it lasts.

Y'see, I can do less ranty.

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