Sunday, 24 June 2007

PC Brigade

So, okay, it has been pointed out to me that my view on iD cards are worng, and this I accept. I guess it's because I still think the best of people, and think that ID cards won't change anything. Then again, there is a solid difference between what I think should happen and what the rest of the World does.

For example, my mind believes that Common Sense is pretty common. However, working with the General Public has disproved that one...

What I wanted to do was start this post a couple of days so I could use the news sources to back it up, but keeping up House and reading up on mines kept on getting in the way. I had thought up something once I had read that Bernard Manning had died. Bernard Manning can be best described through this article on Wikipedia - I would by lying if I said that I thought this guy was funny. If anything, I found his content distasteful with all of its 'traditional' terms for racial groups and his Sexist jokes about Women. He may have been a nce guy-he was well known for his charity work-but I pesonally would never have sat through any of his stuff willingly.

Now, if I had gotten round to writing this there would have been a link to the discussion on Bernard Manning from the BBC News 'Have Your Say' element of the website. Most of the opinions that feature usually range from the liberal bias to the downright loopy-as-a-fruitbat right wingers who are convinced that nothing good in Britain has been achieved since Maragaret Thatcher left office in 1990. Anyway, they had a discussion on Bernard Manning, and it made me laugh and cringe. As well as the 'I find him funny and I have lots of different friends' comments (to which I say 'why do you need to state this?'), there were continual references to the 'PC Brigade' that was in someway destroying the country. Like there was a secret army of people who only come out at night and deliberetly make life hard by, say, hiding your soap. Does it involve uniforms and sashes or something? If so, can I join?

Sunday, 17 June 2007

Maypole Dancer's Support Group

Near us over the weekend was a Fete in a small village near us. Because taking a Saturday off work is a novelty to me thanks to work, I tagged along. It was only once we were in a car that I realised I hadn't been to one in years. Even then, I had only really been to the same one so I couldn't call myself an authority on them, but I liked the idea of visiting one, as I used to run riot at them as a kid.

A Fete, in case you don't know, is one of those traditional English things that is likely never to disappear as long as people live in the countryside and people feel nostalgic. There are stalls full of Cakes and Booze, usually surrounding and facing inwards towards a village green. There are traditional games-skittles usually-a beer tent, some tea stalls and a raffle which looks like all of the best bits from a harvest festival on a very small table.

Needless to say, this one was very traditional and was therefore very good. It had loads of plants and jams and we ended up drinking tea out of Ancient WI mugs. What amazed me though was the Maypole.

The Maypole I danced around must have the bane of my Primary School Teacher's life. For at least a month we had it set up in a playgorund and we would spend an hour dancing around it hand in hand in a giant circle. The songs we had to dance all sounded like sailor's hornpipes and I spent most of the time standing in the middle, as at least four of us helped to balance it on each side/hold the ribbons. I can remember it being a very old white plank that seemed enormous to me-like the size of a 2 storey house. The ropes were old and faded and I can remember that at least once or twice it actually broke during the performance.

It occured to me that apart from other family members, Morris dances I have had to sit through (just how did the Scottish get the fun dances, the Irish get the money making dancing and the English end up with men with bells, beards and hitting planks of wood together?), seeing the little kids at this Fete was the only other example of the dances I have seen. I was suprised-the pole seemed tiny compared to what I can remember dancing around.

And now on an unrelated note-Just how cool is the Master on the new Doctor Who?!

Friday, 15 June 2007

Angelina Jolie and all that Jazz

Since the last time I updated this lovely blog, I have done the following:

*Knitted a Duck. Only recently I learnt how to knit from my friend Beck.
Relaxing hobby my arse-at first I could barely hold the needles and spent most of my time trying to act reserved when I previously screaming at balls of yarn. There was some knack to it that I couldn't understand-I would watch Beck knit and couldn't figure out how she could do it so fast or stay relaxed as she did so while I ended up with a bit of wool not unlike a slug with holes in.
I stuck at it as I like talking to Beck-previously I didn't see her very often-and it was something that I really wanted to do. Learning to knit is one of those skills that I knew could come in useful one day, plus I have always had a secret admiration for people who can make stuff with their hands. In truth, I wanted to be one of those people. There is also the fact that I am a constant fidgeter-I always need to be at least planning to do something-and the idea of just doing continual motions and creating something out of nothing sort of rocks in its own way.
One day, I believe after I had studied Abraham Lincoln or at least something to do with America, the knitting clicked and I found myself making stuff that I felt proud of. Okay, so the phone covers I have made so far do not look exactly like any convential phone covers (and I am developing hard skin by my nails because of the continual poking of the steel needles) but finally finishing the stuff I have been making this term was my biggest accomplishments. I am stupidly proud of my duck in much the same manner that people would design really ornate cover sheets for science projects during my GCSEs.
Apart from the said exams I nearly burnt myself out getting through.
Thus I might turn this blog into a sort of knitting blog, so I can at least put pictures up of what I have made so far.

*Become Green. Maybe its the constant advertising by evil conglominates (I don't care about the spelling right now as I'm knackered) or the fact that I have been more smoothies to stave of the ever present threat of Student related scurvy, but I have suddenly become interested in Environmentalism. This is not to say that I have led a life up to this moment in pure bliss and ignorance about the effect of rubbish, but it is a reaction to what I see as the implausibility of some of the stuff we are expected to do. I'm going to see if I can make some changes to my habits and maybe write about them on here, but only if they become interesting. I'm not going to write about a neurose for recycling if it doesn't involve a wacky adventure of somekind.

*Laughed at Celebrities. Hence the mention of Angelina Jolie.

*Seriously considered wearing a skirt in this humid heat.

*Watched Pirates of the Carribbean 3. I enjoyed it more than I thought I would, but then I had been to the pub. I got annoyed by the singing kid at the beginning wearing braces and it was near incomprehensible, but I would pay Johnny Depp to run like Jack Sparrow in all of his movies.

*Finished exams. It feels strange to have a to-do list that begins with 'get out of bed before noon' instead of a list of work to be getting on with. I'm enjoying it while it lasts.

Y'see, I can do less ranty.