Friday 28 March 2008

May just be me here...

Now, if you don't get the Sunday Times you may have not have seen this article.
Maybe it's just me, but...

... Surely if you go up to a bunch of teenagers and go 'tell us about your sex life so all of your peers and their parents can read it', then you will get spoiled, naive girls and boys saying stupid stuff about how many partners they have had/how they did it next to a lampost while a mate filmed it on youtube.

I would say the phrase 'Now, I am hardly a prude', but it would just make me sound that I am. Therefore my views are that I usually don't care about people and their sex lives, but I would bring back some kind of medeval punishment based upon humiliation for those who get to second base in the library. However articles like this, which just ends up embarrassing for all concerned (I really want to be around Sophie's parents dinner table when they read this article), and just scares the pants off anyone who works at a VD clinic.

Monday 24 March 2008

*head desk*

I need a topic to speak about.
Enlighten me.

There are many problems associated with writer's block, apart from the obvious fact that your muse goes AWOL and your head feels empty. With me, the fact that I have spent about eighteen months suffering from it is rather starting to get my goat. This is a rather stupid amount of time, and I'm starting to wonder if my lack of writing isn't just more apathetic than actually not having ideas. I can never carry an idea through. I do have some occasionally, which act as a flash of florescence to brighten my day, but considering that all of my ideas seem to revolve around time travel, I largely give up before I ever grab a Biro. After all, there is only so many times you can write about being kidnapped by a version of yourself six months in the future.
Another problem I have is just with the whole nature of blogs. Part of me-the 'attention-of-a-gnat' element of my consciousness in case you feel like dissecting- wonders if it isn't the equivalent of being the drunk girl at a party wearing fairy wings and going 'shut up everybody! This song is about ME!'.

However, I have already vented my spleen about this odd kind of Catholic guilt (odd as I ain't Catholic), and so I am now actually going to talk about something.

*drum roll*

Graduate Job Snobbiness!

I, like what feels like the entirety of all students is currently looking for a graduate job. Admittedly, this search only began a couple of days ago, partly as the dissertation has now gone off to the great big history department secretary office in the sky, partly because I'm now being asked by my folks' friends 'what are you looking at doing?' , and partly as I have come to the conclusion that three years of studying early modern history must make me employable to someone (My footnoting abilities are excellent if I say so myself). What I like to think is that somehow I will find a job involving books, people, food, something new everyday, creativity and a sense of accomplishment.
At this very early stage of job hunting, what is bothering me is how choosy I am over what jobs I am looking for. Namely, is it wrong of me to feel snobby about Tesco's graduate scheme? As it has been pointed out to me, one out of every five pounds is spent at the place where every little bit helps(every little bit of what exactly? Everytime I see it, the grammar troll in me snarls), but I see the uniforms and the adverts with 'that-bloke-of-Doc-Martin' and my heart sinks. I'm already applying for other places though, and so expect updates about a romantic students dealings with the real world.

Saturday 8 March 2008

Little Argument with Myself

"But, what if it's crap?"
"How do you mean?"
"... What I'm working on. This dissertation. What if I'm doing it wrong?"
"Eh? What brought on that idea?"
" I dunno, I'm looking at it and thinking that it isn't academic enough"
"Oh, come on. That's a pile of rubbish. Has anyone told you that it's crap?"
" Well, I've been told to re-structure it a couple of times and that has only been one chapter"
"But they didn't say it was the information was crap, it's just you are not brilliant at structuring arguements"
" Yeah, well..."
"Look, has anyone told you that all of your work, all of your reading, all of your ideas and all of your analysis is rubbish? Don't do yourself down. You've put so much of yourself into this, it's going to be fine."
"You sure?"
"Oh, okay."

Half an hour later

"... But what if it's crap?"

Sunday 2 March 2008

But of Course...

Current Mood: Busy
Song: Blockbuster by Free

There are fewer feelings in the world I hate than being stressed. I mean, I can cope with being constantly busy, but I hate stress for the buzz it gives in my head and the headaches and the irrational fears of failure. I have to remind myself that this time will pass.
The worst thing is, I take it out on people who do not deserve it as I tend to lose my temper.