Monday, 24 March 2008

*head desk*

I need a topic to speak about.
Enlighten me.

There are many problems associated with writer's block, apart from the obvious fact that your muse goes AWOL and your head feels empty. With me, the fact that I have spent about eighteen months suffering from it is rather starting to get my goat. This is a rather stupid amount of time, and I'm starting to wonder if my lack of writing isn't just more apathetic than actually not having ideas. I can never carry an idea through. I do have some occasionally, which act as a flash of florescence to brighten my day, but considering that all of my ideas seem to revolve around time travel, I largely give up before I ever grab a Biro. After all, there is only so many times you can write about being kidnapped by a version of yourself six months in the future.
Another problem I have is just with the whole nature of blogs. Part of me-the 'attention-of-a-gnat' element of my consciousness in case you feel like dissecting- wonders if it isn't the equivalent of being the drunk girl at a party wearing fairy wings and going 'shut up everybody! This song is about ME!'.

However, I have already vented my spleen about this odd kind of Catholic guilt (odd as I ain't Catholic), and so I am now actually going to talk about something.

*drum roll*

Graduate Job Snobbiness!

I, like what feels like the entirety of all students is currently looking for a graduate job. Admittedly, this search only began a couple of days ago, partly as the dissertation has now gone off to the great big history department secretary office in the sky, partly because I'm now being asked by my folks' friends 'what are you looking at doing?' , and partly as I have come to the conclusion that three years of studying early modern history must make me employable to someone (My footnoting abilities are excellent if I say so myself). What I like to think is that somehow I will find a job involving books, people, food, something new everyday, creativity and a sense of accomplishment.
At this very early stage of job hunting, what is bothering me is how choosy I am over what jobs I am looking for. Namely, is it wrong of me to feel snobby about Tesco's graduate scheme? As it has been pointed out to me, one out of every five pounds is spent at the place where every little bit helps(every little bit of what exactly? Everytime I see it, the grammar troll in me snarls), but I see the uniforms and the adverts with 'that-bloke-of-Doc-Martin' and my heart sinks. I'm already applying for other places though, and so expect updates about a romantic students dealings with the real world.


Anonymous said...

you are the light that come in the day

Anonymous said...

Don't worry- things always work out.