Saturday 8 March 2008

Little Argument with Myself

"But, what if it's crap?"
"How do you mean?"
"... What I'm working on. This dissertation. What if I'm doing it wrong?"
"Eh? What brought on that idea?"
" I dunno, I'm looking at it and thinking that it isn't academic enough"
"Oh, come on. That's a pile of rubbish. Has anyone told you that it's crap?"
" Well, I've been told to re-structure it a couple of times and that has only been one chapter"
"But they didn't say it was the information was crap, it's just you are not brilliant at structuring arguements"
" Yeah, well..."
"Look, has anyone told you that all of your work, all of your reading, all of your ideas and all of your analysis is rubbish? Don't do yourself down. You've put so much of yourself into this, it's going to be fine."
"You sure?"
"Oh, okay."

Half an hour later

"... But what if it's crap?"

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